Register 5
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Siemens AG
System Manual
Rev. 03
CS PS 24
Medical Engineering
1 - 4
Electrical voltage!
Noncompliance can lead to death, physical injury or damage to
After completing all service work and attaching all system covers,
you must perform a protective ground wire test according to
ARTD-002.731.17... .
The protective ground wire resistance must not exceed 0.2 ohms.
X-ray radiation!
Noncompliance can lead to death or physical injury.
When performing service work involving the emission of X-ray
radiation, you must observe the radiation protection regulations.
The radiation activity must be kept as low as possible (low kV and
mA levels, short radiation time).
Keep as far away from the radiation source as possible.
Radiation protection devices (lead partitions, etc.) and radiation-
protection clothing (lead apron) must be used.
Risk of physical injury and damage to property!
When performing service work on the horizontal slide of the basic
unit (for example, when performing repair work on the brake of
the C-arm horizontal travel) it is possible that the C-arm may slide
out of its position and drop onto the floor after the end stop has
been removed.
Before dismantling the end stop, the horizontal travel brake must
be locked and the horizontal slide must be mechanically locked to
prevent it from sliding out. For example, the basic unit can be
positioned in the room in such a way that the C-arm mechanically
touches one of the walls.
Risk of being burned by hot parts or components!
Noncompliance can lead to light or medium burns, especially of
the hands.
Once the covers have been removed, parts or components (e.g.
power components, heat sinks, solenoid brakes) become
exposed which may exhibit temperatures of up to 50°C in opera-
tion. To prevent burns, switch off the system power supply and let
the system cool off for at least 5 minutes before resuming work.
Electrical voltage!
Noncompliance may cause damage to property.
ESD protection guidelines must be observed when servicing.