Maintenance and service
11.2 Reinstalling the software
SIMATIC Rack PC 840 V2
Operating Instructions, Edition 05/2006, A5E00248055-04
Primary partition, FAT 32 files system
1. To boot from the Recovery CD, when the BIOS message appears press:
<F2> to enter SETUP or <ESC> to display the boot menu
the ESC key. After initialization, a Boot Menu screen is displayed for selecting the boot
2. Select
CD-ROM drive
3. From the ”Microsoft Windows 98 Startup Menu” screen form, select
2. Boot for FDISK, FORMAT or Windows 2000 Setup
2. Boot for FDISK, FORMAT or Windows XP Professional Setup
4. Select
the Microsoft Windows 98 hard disk configuration program (A: In the screen form, select
support for large disks.
Do you wish to enable large disk support (Y/N)...?
[ Y ] for yes.
5. Create a primary DOS partition with at least 4090 MB. When prompted
Do you want to use the maximum memory size available for the primary DOS partition and do you
want to activate this partition?
enter [N] for ”No” a and set the partition size to 10245 MB, for example.
6. To format the partition from the Recovery CD as described earlier in steps 1 to 3, restart
the computer, the select
A:\>Format C:
(A: is the CD drive).
to format .
All the data of the relevant partition will be lost during formatting.