Technical specifications
11.14 Mobile Panel 2nd Generation F-FBs
Mobile Panels 2nd Generation
Operating Instructions, 09/2018, A5E33876626-AC
Mobile Panel 2nd Generation F-FBs
Using F-FBs
Required F FBs
You must integrate the following fail-safe blocks in your safety program:
For each HMI device: a FB198: F_FB_KTP_Mobile
The assigned HMI device is monitored by this F FB.
For each connection box: a FB199: F_FB_KTP_RNG
The F_FB_KTP_RNG supplies the safety-related signals for the machine part that is
assigned to a connection box.
FB 215: ESTOP1; with this block, you can ensure that the operator must first provide
confirmation after an emergency stop before the plant can be restarted. You can find this
block in the following block container of the "Safety Advanced" F-library:
"Communication > Fail-safe HMI Mobile Panels > -- KTP Mobile --"
Naming conventions for F-application blocks
Ensure the following parameters match when changing the names of an F-application
The symbolic name in the symbol table
The name in the object properties of the block (header)
Rules for the safety program
Emergency stop button not evaluated
The emergency stop button can only be evaluated in the following cases:
System with emergency stop function, without enabling function: The output
GLOBAL_E_STOP of F_FB_KTP_Mobile is used in the safety program.
System with acknowledgment and emergency stop function: F_FB_KTP_RNG is
evaluated by the safety program.
In a system with an emergency stop function, use the output GLOBAL_E_STOP of
F_FB_KTP_Mobile in your safety program.
In a system with an acknowledgment and an emergency stop function, use
F_FB_KTP_RNG in your safety program.