2.8 Electronic trip unit ETU
3VA27 molded case circuit breakers & 3WL10 air circuit breakers
Manual, 10/2018, L1V30499596002-01
Metering functions of the ETUs of the 6-series (optional)
For the electronic trip units of the 6-series, there are two metering function modules:
MF Basic
MF Advanced
These modules allow determination of the following additional measured quantities:
Additional features of the MF Advanced version:
Implementation of the enhanced protection functions that are based on the variables
voltage and power
Power supply of the ETU from the busbar voltage (for line voltages above 80 V, phase-to-
phase) and therefore also activation of further functions such as powering the external
ground-fault neutral transformer G
, or the making current release, without an external
power source, and, for example, measurement and activation of the overvoltage
protection, without and before connection of the contacts. (In this case, the voltage must
be picked off on the incoming side so that the ETU can be powered)
Implementation of the Rc residual current protection function via an external summation
current transformer