3.5 External accessories
3VA27 molded case circuit breakers & 3WL10 air circuit breakers
Manual, 10/2018, L1V30499596002-01
Mutual mechanical interlocking
With the interlocking devices, two circuit breakers can be mutually interlocked. The
interlocking device only ever releases one circuit breaker at a time, thereby ensuring that
only the released circuit breaker can be operated. The other circuit breaker remains in the
safe CLOSED position and is blocked by the interlocking mechanism.
Both horizontally and vertically oriented circuit breakers can be mutually mechanically
Maximum distances between circuit breakers:
Horizontal: max. 2750 mm
Vertical: max. 1000 mm
Mechanical interlocks prevent more than one of a number of mutually interlocked circuit
breakers from being in the CLOSED position at the same time. However, all circuit breakers
can be in the OPEN breaker position at the same time.
The following interlock combinations are possible:
Fixed-mounted breaker - fixed-mounted breaker
Fixed-mounted breaker - withdrawable breaker
Withdrawable breaker - withdrawable breaker
The circuit breakers can also be interlocked with other sizes of 3WL-series breakers.
Interlocking is possible in both directions, i.e. it can be set up from the 3WL10/3VA27 or from
the larger-size circuit breaker.
Interlocking with molded case circuit breakers of the 3VA series size 1000 A is also possible.
Only a Bowden cable is used that is routed from the 3VA25 blocking device to the resetting
device of the 3WL10/3VA27 circuit breaker. This means that when the interlocking slide
mechanism for closing the 3VA25 circuit breaker is operated, the 3WL10/3VA27 circuit
breaker is automatically opened. To prevent this, the interlocking device can be locked on
the 3VA25 with a padlock.