External Accessories
Drawout Safety Shutters
3.) I nstall four (4) shutter drive assembl ies (two (2) per side) to
the left and right cradle plates. (Use #8-32 hardware.)
4 . ) Connect the sh utter l ink with the sh utter drive arm by
installing the 5/32" pin and E-ring.
5.) Install shutter springs (zinc si lver spring is used on top
shutter, white springs are used for the bottom shutter).
I nstallation of the bottom shutter is similar to the top.
Top left shutter assembly installed.
7 )
Drawout safety shutters shown installed.
8 ) Install four (4) plate extensions to the rear of the moveable
drawout breaker. ( Extension plates must be flush with the left
and right mechan ism plates top and bottom)
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