Internal Accessories
Electric Motor Op erator
Electric Motor Operator Kit
Electric Motor Operator
An electric operator provides for electric charging of the
springs of the stored energy mechanism, remote closing,
spring charging status indication, latch checking, and anti
pump functions. The standard wiring scheme of the electric
operator is such that the springs are automatically re
charged after each closing operation . This can be modified
by the customer if desired.
The electric operator is installed in the front compartment
of the SB breaker. The main contact status check switch is
installed on the right side, behind the trip unit and beneath
the reset plate. All other components ofthe electric operator
are installed on the left side. The motor fuse is accessible
from the front panel .
The principal components of the electric operator are a
charging motor, motor controller, gear box, cam mecha
nism, closing solenoid, motor fuse, and check switches
to monitor the positions of the mechanical components.
The charging motor, gear box, and cam mechanism are
integrated into a single assembly at the factory. Electric
operators may be selected to operate with a source power
of 1 20V ac or 24, 48, or 1 25V de. The microprocessor based
controller provides voltage-independent charging time,
charging status indication , and software-controlled closing
logic for the electric close function.
1 .)
Install the cam mechanism, gear box and motor assembly.
2.) Align the keyway of the shaft with the keyway of the charg
ing arm.
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