Siemens Building Technologies
Electronic Air / Fuel Ratio Control System
HVAC Products
11 Handheld terminal AZW20.20
11 Handheld
The AZW20.20 is used to set all parameters of the RVW26…
It is connected to the socket of the RVW26… which is located behind the hinged alu-
minium front plate.
The AZW20.20 is powered via the connecting cable.
When using the connecting cable, the AZW20.20 allows the flame to be adjusted and
viewed up to a distance of 20 m between the burner and the RVW26…
The handheld terminal features a display with 4 lines each comprising 16 characters,
and 6 buttons.
Fig. 20
Handheld terminal AZW20.20 with connecting cable KF8859
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