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Room Unit for Boiler Control
Building Technologies
1 Overview
The QAA73.210 is a digital multi-functional room unit for one or 1 heating circuits
and d.h.w. control.
Boiler control delivers the outside temperature and other information to the
QAA73.210 room unit via the OpenTherm communication interface. Based on the
outside temperature, the room temperature and a number of other parameters, the
interface calculates the required flow temperature setpoints for the heating circuits
and transmits them to the boiler control. In addition, the d.h.w. temperature
setpoint is transmitted to the boiler control.
The optimization functions offer energy savings without sacrificing comfort. The
room sensor required for that purpose is integrated in the unit.
1.1 Features
Operating sections (operating levels) based on ergonomic and functional
Clear assignment of basic functions:
Operating mode, setpoint adjustment and occupancy button
A number of actual values can be accessed via the Info button
Additional functions can be programmed via programming mode
Every setting or change is displayed and thus acknowledged
Heating circuit program with up to 4 heating periods per day can be selected on
an individual basis
Cooling circuit program with up to 4 heating periods per day can be selected on
an individual basis
D.h.w. program with up to 4 heating periods per week can be selected on an
individual basis
Holiday function
Special mode for setting the parameters of Siemens boiler control systems
Weather-compensated flow temperature control while giving consideration to the
building’s thermal dynamics
Weather-compensated flow temperature control with room compensation
Pure room temperature control
Effect of room temperature deviation can be adjusted
ECO functions (24-hour limit switch, automatic summer / winter changeover)
Room temperature switching differential for limiting the room temperature
Adjustable maximum limitation of the flow temperature (especially in connection
with floor heating systems)
Frost protection for the building
D.h.w. control with release and preselection of setpoint for the boiler controller
Legionella function
Integrated clock with a reserve of at least 12 hours
Communication with the boiler control via OpenTherm interface
Power supply via OpenTherm bus
Brief description
Operating functions
Other features