Programming pin and service LED
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6 Commissioning
Before commissioning a room operator unit, make sure an application is
downloaded onto the connected controller, from where the functions are
downloaded into the room operator unit.
After successful commissioning, the room operator unit displays the default
operating page defined in the application loaded in the controller.
In a 1:1 connection, i.e. only one room operator unit connecting to one controller,
when powered up via the KNX bus for the first time, the room operator unit
automatically commissions itself.
After successful commissioning, the room operator unit displays the default
operating page defined in the application loaded in the room automation station.
6.1 Programming pin and service LED
The devices come with a programming pin and a red service LED on the rear.
6.1.1 Addressing
Briefly press the programming pin (< 2 s).
The device enters programming mode; the service LED is continuously on.
The tool identifies and assigns the currently active device.
After the device is commissioned, deactivate programming mode by shortly
pressing the programming pin (< 2 s). The service LED goes off.
Programming mode returns to “disabled” each time the device restarts.
Addressing and commissioning can be done automatically if a POS3.xx15
is connected to the device.
6.1.2 Connection test
1. Press the programming pin (>5 s and <20 s) to test the KNX PL-Link
connection. After releasing the programming pin, testing of the KNX PL-Link
connection starts; the service LED flashes (1/4 s on, 7/4 s off).
After approximately 12 s, the test result is displayed:
commissioning (1:1