Model PAD-5
Battery Size Calculations
Siemens Industry, Inc.
Smart Infrastructure
When two PAD-5s are sharing a single battery, in a PAB2-ENCL, a battery calc
sheet must be created for each PAD-5. Add together the required battery for each
PAD-5 and select the proper battery set. If the total exceeds 100Ah, then the PAD-
5s must have their own battery, and no PAD-5 can exceed 100Ah on its own
Battery Calculation
Battery backup is required for compliance to UL864. To determine the battery capacity, use the
PAD-5 Battery Calc Sheet and fill-out the required parameters.
1. Place the required
“System Parameters”
Standby time
(hours), required
Alarm time (minutes)
Battery Derating
In the column “
”, if using one of the expansion boards, choose “YES” from the drop-
down menu, for the card being installed to include its Standby and Alarm Battery Load into the
calc sheet. The expansion card that is not used should be set to “NO”
Enter loading for “
Standby NAC Load”
Column to determine the
System Standby Current
. For
CDC if using Shorting Device use
“0.008A”, and for detector use “0.011A”. If NAC/AUX used as
“Input”, then enter “0.00” Add up all entries in this column
4. Put NAC and Releasing loads in the
“Alarm NAC Load”
Column to determine the System
Alarm Current. For the CDC if using Shorting Device ent
er “0.00A”. For detector, enter “.208A”.
If NAC/AUX used as “Input”, then enter “0.00”. Add up all entries in this column
5. Calculate Battery Requirement for
“Standby Battery Load (Ah)”
= [(
System Standby Current
(board battery standby load in BOLD for PAD-5 and expansion module (if re-
Standby Time
6. Calculate Battery Requirement for
“Alarm Battery Load (Ah)”
= [(
System Alarm Current
(board battery alarm load in BOLD) for PAD-5 and expansion module (if required)
Alarm Time
(minutes) / 60)]
7. Calculate
“Total AH Required (Ah)”
= (
Standby Battery Load
Alarm Battery Load
8. Calculate the
Minimum Ah Required
= ((
Total AH Required x
1.25) using Battery Derating of
Select the battery that meets or exceeds the final calculated amp hour rating.
If battery Ah selection is greater than 35Ah, the system requires a FP2012-
U1 “300 Watt
Power Supply” (and an external battery box will be required)
If battery Ah selection is less than or equal to 35Ah, the system requires a FP2011-U1
Watt Power Supply”
For Releasing Application a battery rating of 18 Ah or greater is required, based on 24
hour Standby time and 5 minutes Alarm time (if greater than 18 Ah is needed, a PAB2-
ENCL or external battery box will be needed).