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Web server OZW772... V6.0
Building Technologies
Trend functions
9.4 Download trend file via web
Trend data can be downloaded via the OZW web user interface.
Downloading via the web does not influence transmission of the data by e-mail.
Logging of trend data continues unabated while downloading via web.
Trend data is downloaded via web as follows:
1. Under primary navigation, select
File transfer
menu (see Section 9.1
2. For the desired trend, click the symbol
Download trend data
3. In the
pane, the time can be set to download the trended data. .
The maximum number of days that can be downloaded at one time is
displayed using "Maximum data content" and amounts to:
- Trend channel 1: ca. rolling trend / 14 (channel 1 is 7 x larger than
Channel 2…5)
- Trend channel 2…5: ca. rolling trend / 2
The trend period is displayed under "Circular logging".
4. Click the calendar symbol to select the beginning and end of the period
and select the desired day.
The period always begins at 00:00 and ends at 23:59 of the selected day.
5. Confirm the selected period with
6. The
window may be displayed for larger amounts of trend data.
The window is skipped for smaller files.