Making calls with multiple lines
Step by step
Dialing the last dialed number
Regardless of the line used, the last number dialed on
your telephone is displayed for redialing in the selected
number’s context menu.
Lift the handset or press speakerphone key.
Press the required line key (
page 88).
Redal is offered on the display as long as a number has
been dialed previously:
Confirm the option shown. The connection is set up.
Forwarding calls on primary line
The call forwarding can only be activated for the primary
line. Which call forwards are possible, how they are con-
figured and activated can be found from
page 46.
Call forwarding information
Your service personnel has activated "For-
warding shown".
If you have activated one of the forwarding types on
your phone for the primary line and a station calls, a
popup window with the following information opens:
Who is calling
The forwarding destination.
Redial {1} 12345?