Web configurator – Setting the phone using a PC
Gigaset A580 IP / GBR / A31008-xxxx-xxxx-x-xxxx / web_server.fm / 24.03.2010
rsion 8, 03.0
Configuring info services/activating idle display
You can configure your registered Gigaset C47H handsets to display customised
text information (e.g. weather reports, RSS feeds) in the idle display. To do this you
must set the
Info Services
screensaver on the handset (
). The same
applies to a registered Gigaset C38H handset.
Configuring info services
Open the following Web page:
Click on the link in the
Info Services Configuration
or enter the URL into the address field of a different browser window.
The Web page for Gigaset.net info services is opened. You are already registered
with your Gigaset.net user ID. Your Gigaset.net user ID and your password are
displayed in the
Info Services Configuration
area of the
page of the
Web configurator.
This will open a web page where you can compile your info service.
Define which information should be sent regularly to your handset.
Activating the display of info services for Gigaset S67H, S68H, SL37H
and C47H handsets
You can also display the selected text information on a Gigaset S67H, S68H, SL37H
or C47H handset that is registered to your base station.
If one of these handsets is registered to your base station the
Activate Info Services
area in which you can activate the display for these handsets is displayed on the
web page.
Open the following Web page:
In the
Activate Info Services
area, activate
to activate or deactivate the
display of text information.
Select the
button to save the settings in your phone.
If text information is available it is displayed in idle display on all registered Gigaset
S67H, S68H, SL37H or C47H handsets for which the digital clock is set as the screen-
The text information overwrites the digital clock.
Please note
The weather report is preset. It is shown in the handset's idle display as soon as you
set the
Info Services