2) The general alarm audibles sound in a steady
manner (as if only one zone had alarmed).
3) After the 90 second abort delay period ends, the
internal 30 second discharge delay begins. At
that time the general alarm audibles silence, and
the discharge audibles begin to pulse as de-
scribed in No. 1a above.
The reliability of any system depends to a great extent on
the proper installation of the control units, detectors, asso-
ciated equipment, and wiring. These instructions outline
the requirements for a satisfactory installation. Careful
completion of each detail will provide an automatic fire and
smoke detection system that is dependable and gives reli-
able operation.
Connection instructions are mounted inside the cover of
the CP-2ER. Additional wiring information is provided in
the manual. Any questions regarding the equipment or in-
stallation should be directed to Siemens Building Tech-
nologies, Inc. or an authorized representative; do not make
any alteration without first consulting one of the above.
Mounting Control Units
(Refer to Figure 2)
Securely fasten the control unit to a shock and vibration
free surface in a clean, dry area. It must be mounted far-
ther than 3 feet, but less than 6 feet, from the floor. The
location should be easily visible, readily accessible for main-
tenance, and should allow sufficient clearance to open the
hinged front door.
Local regulations or codes generally require all wiring to,
from, and between units to be carried in 1/2-3/4 inch con-
duits. Knockouts are provided in the top and bottom of the
control unit. No. 18 AWG, 300V insulation, color coded
wire is recommended for the detector circuits. A larger
size may be used if desired; e.g., 16 AWG. For the power
input, audible, and release circuits, use at least 14 AWG,
300V wire.
Power Requirements
The Model CP-2ER Control Unit is designed to be operated
from a 120 VAC power source with the neutral line grounded.
The 120 VAC input powers all internal circuitry. The AC volt-
age may vary between the limits of 102 and 132 volts, and
the limits should not be exceeded. The CP-2ER ungrounded
Figure 2
Mounting Data
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