Siemens IK PI · 2004
AS-Interface Master
Masters for SIMATIC S7
CP 243-2
The CP 243-2 is the AS-Interface master for the new generation
of SIMATIC S7-200. The communications processor (6GK1 243-
2AX01-0AX0) supports the expanded AS-Interface specification
V2.1 and has the following functions:
• Connection of up to 62 AS-Interface slaves and integrated an-
alog value transmission (according to expanded AS-Interface
Specification V2.1)
• Supports all AS-Interface master functions according to ex-
panded AS-Interface Specification V2.1
• Display of operating status and operational readiness of the
connected slaves through LEDs in the frontplate
• Display of errors (incl. AS-Interface voltage errors, configura-
tion errors) through LEDs in the frontplate
• Compact housing in the design of the innovative SIMATIC
S7-200 generation
• More flexible and extended application options of the SIMATIC
S7-200 due to the considerable increase in the available digital
and analog inputs/outputs
• Shorter startup times due to easy configuration at the press of
a button
• In the event of a fault, shorter standstill and service times due
to LED indication of:
• Status of the CPs
- connected slaves and their operational readiness
- monitoring of the AS-Interface voltage level
The CP 243-2 is the AS-Interface master connection exclusively
for the CPUs 22x of the innovated SIMATIC S7-200 generation.
By connecting to AS-Interface, the available digital inputs and
outputs for S7-200 are significantly increased (max. 248 DI /
186 DO on AS-Interface per CP).
In addition, the integrated analog value processing also makes
analog values (per CP max. 31 analog slaves, each with up to
4 channels) available to the S7-200 at the AS-Interface. Up to
two CP 243-2s can be operated simultaneously on the S7-200.
The CP 243-2 is connected to the S7-200 like an expansion
module. It features:
• Two terminals for direct connection of the AS-Interface cable
• LEDs in the front panel for displaying the operating status and
the operational readiness of all connected and activated
• Two pushbuttons for displaying the status information of the
slaves, for switching the operating status and entering the
existing ACTUAL configuration as the SETPOINT configuration
The CP 243-2 supports all functions stipulated in the expanded
AS-Interface Specification V2.1. Double address assignment
(A-B) makes it possible to operate up to 62 digital or 31 analog
slaves at the AS-Interface.
Access to analog values is just as easy as access to digital val-
ues, thanks to the integrated analog value processing.
The CP 243-2 occupies one digital input byte (status byte), one
digital output byte (control byte) and 8 analog input and 8 analog
output words in the process image of the S7-200. This means
that the CP 243-2 occupies two slots. The operating mode of the
CP 243-2 can be set with the status and control byte through the
application program.
Depending on the operating mode, the CP 243-2 either stores
the I/O data of the AS-Interface slaves or diagnostic values in the
analog address space of the S7-200 or enables master calls
(e.g. readdressing of slaves).
All connected AS-Interface slaves are configured at the press of
a button. No further configuration of the CP is necessary.