Siemens IK PI · 2004
AS-Interface light curtains and light arrays
for Category 4
AS-Interface Safety at work
Technical specifications
1) From interruption of the protective zone to the cut-out command on AS-Interface
Technical specifications common to all AS-Interface light curtains and light arrays
Safety classification
Type 4 according to IEC 61496-1, -2 or EN 61496-1 (self-monitoring)
Height of protective zone in mm
150 to 1800 (for series with 14 and 30 mm resolution)
450 to 3000 (for series with 50 mm resolution)
750 to 3000 (for series with 90 mm resolution)
Width of protective zone,
sensing range in m
0.3 to 6 (for series with 14 mm resolution)
0.8 to 18 (for series with 30, 50 and 90 mm resolution as well as for light arrays)
0.6 to 60 (for light arrays)
Detection capability
14 mm, 30 mm, 50 mm or 90 mm or complete persons with 2, 3 or 4 beams
Response time of the
safety equipment in ms
12 to 44, d-scan 15 to 83 (for 14 mm resolution)
12 to 25, d-scan 15 to 44 (for 30 mm resolution)
< 22, d-scan 38 (for 50 mm resolution)
< 18, d-scan 25 (for 90 mm resolution)
Response time of the
complete system
Response time 3 response time of AS-Interface safety monitor (max. 40 ms)
Degree of protection
Supply current in mA
Max. 130 (transmitter)
Max 140 (receiver)
Operating mode
Protection mode without restart lockout
Transmitter/receiver synchronization
Optical synchronization, two transmission channels can be selected
Infra-red disturbance suppression
Two techniques for selection:
Standard = high suppression
d-scan = extremely high degree of suppression
Cross-section in mm
55 * 52
Length in mm
234 to 3084 (depending on height of protective zone)
Air humidity in %
15 to 95
Operating temperature in °C
0 to +55
Storage temperature in °C
-25 to +70
Supply voltage in V
26.5 to 31.6 (according to AS-Interface specification)
ID-code receiver
I/O-code receiver
0 (four data bits as outputs)
Slave address receiver
Active bus component, programmed by the user in the range 1 to 31
(delivery status = bus address 0), supply voltage from the AS-Interface network
Slave address transmitter
Passive bus component (no bus address), supply voltage from the AS-Interface network
Cycle time in ms
5 (according to AS-Interface specification)
AS-Interface profile
Safe slave
Electrical connection
M 12 plug:
Pin 1 = ASI+
Pin 3 = ASI-