Test signals T1, T2, T3, T4
To detect errors in the input circuit or in processing of the safety-related inputs ST, RF1, RF2, EA1,
EA2, P1, P2 and MAG, a dynamic output signal is routed via the contact blocks, and via the start
and feedback circuits. The output signals at the individual outputs T1, T2, T3 and T4 vary here
so that cross-circuits between the output signals can thus also be detected.
Signal input ST (start circuit)
The start signal is applied at this input. ST is supplied by test signal T4. To start the motion
connected at 23/24 as well as the monitor, the on pushbutton must be pressed in the case of
manual start. The pushbutton is monitored for cross-circuit or short-circuit by scanning the
falling edge (opening of the on pushbutton) at switch-on. For this reason, it must not be pressed
for longer than 3 s. If a cross-circuit or short-circuit is detected, the device switches to the safe
state and a diagnostics message is displayed.
After correction of the fault, it is necessary to perform a reset (see Chapter "Troubleshooting
(Page 64)") or a restart by switching the supply voltage off and on.
At autostart, the test signal T4 must be applied at ST to start the device using a jumper.
Signal input MAG (interlock for protective door)
MAG is supplied by test signal T4. When the hazardous motion is started (output 23/24), the
protective door must be interlocked. The interlock magnet is equipped with a contact that is read
into the device via the MAG terminal. If the contact is closed, the device cannot be started or it
goes immediately to a safe state (output contact 23/24 drops out). However, as soon as the
contact is closed again, the device can be restarted. Acknowledgment of the error is not
The contact is permanently monitored. If this is not used, terminals T4 and MAG must be
Signal input RF1 (feedback circuit for setup or automatic mode)
RF1 is supplied by test signal T3. The NC contacts of the external contactors connected at
terminal 24 are read in via terminal RF1. Connection of output contact 23/24 is only possible if
the feedback contacts are closed.
If contact extension or reinforcement is not used, terminals T3 and RF1 must be jumpered.
Signal input RF2 (feedback circuit for standstill)
RF2 is supplied by test signal T3. The NC contacts of the external contactors connected at
terminal 14 are read in via terminal RF2. Connection of output contact 13/14 is only possible if
the feedback contacts are closed. If output contact 13/14 is switched off, the feedback contacts
must be closed 1 second afterwards, otherwise the relevant diagnostics message appears. After
correction of the fault, it is necessary to perform a reset (see Chapter "Troubleshooting
(Page 64)") or a restart by switching the supply voltage off and on.
If contact extension or reinforcement is not used, terminals T3 and RF2 must be jumpered.
4.1 Terminals and their functions
3TK2810-1 safety-related speed monitor
Equipment Manual, 05/2020, NEB926246402000/RS-AE/007