o p t o - e L e c t r o n i c p r o t e c t i v e d e v i c e S | S i c K
Subject to change without notice
from the global market leader in safety applications: the S300 Mini
safety laser scanner. after the success of the S3000, with the largest
scanning range available on the market, and the compact S300, the
S300 Mini is the next logical step in further miniaturization.
Diverse applications
Safety laser scanners enable non-contact monitoring of freely
programmable areas. Like an optical radar, the compact
systems scan their environment in a fan shape and identify any
object in their detection zone. They are universally applicable
in production areas and in storage spaces. For either mobile
or stationary applications: The S300 Mini is an uncomplicated
safety solution for all industrial sectors.
S300 Mini – the world’s smallest safety laser scanner
from the world’s largest safety portfolio
With a height of 116 mm, the S300 Mini is the smallest safety laser scanner in the world
Save space and gain safety
• Easy integration thanks to very compact size
• Greater machine efficiency by removing barriers
• Vertical and horizontal protection possible
• Minimum installation effort as the sender and receiver
are housed together
• Reduced downtime and brake wear on automated
guided vehicles thanks to triple field functions