Labeling of connections
SICK AppSpace
The SICK AppSpace eco-system reveals new paths leading to solutions for cus‐
tomer-specific applications and consists of software tools and programmable sensors
or devices. The SICK AppStudio SDK is used for developing sensor apps on programma‐
ble SICK devices. Its user interface for machine operators can be created individually
as a web GUI. The SICK AppManager software tool supports the service in the field in
the simple distribution and management of sensor apps.
Figure 3: SICK AppSpace
Detailed instructions on the SICK AppStudio as well as programming the device can be
found at
Principle of operation
Measurement principle
The device is an optoelectronic LiDAR sensor that contactlessly scans the outline of its
surroundings with the help of laser beams. The device measures its surroundings in
two-dimensional polar coordinates, relative to its measurement origin. This is marked
by a circular indentation in the center of the optics cover. If a laser beam strikes an
object, the position of that object is determined in terms of distance and angle.
With the MRS1000, this is carried out in 4 spread-out scan planes (layers 1 to 4).
8024927/1AZF/2021-05-10 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | MRS1000P
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