Product features and functions (overview)
Table 3: Overview of product features and functions of the device
Product feature/func‐
Safety and ease of
Rugged, compact metal housing, CE marking
Laser Class 2, laser switches off if the output power is exceeded
Automatic self-test on system start
Diagnostic tools for system setup and (remote) system monitoring
Configurable output of reading diagnostic data in two reading
results formats
Operating data polling, in case of error, issue of error code if
Test string function (heartbeat) can be activated to signal that the
device is ready for operation
Password-protected configuration mode via SOPAS ET
Future-oriented by firmware update (FLASH PROM) via data inter‐
Future-oriented SOPAS ET configuration software
Low power consumption
Additional supply voltage range
Optional parameter cloning with external CMC600 parameter
memory module in the CDB/CDM connection module
Convenient operation/
Configuration (online/offline) via SOPAS ET configuration soft‐
Configuration via GSD configuration (via CDF600-2xx)
Status displays via LEDs
Auto setup of the optical reading properties
Two pushbuttons on the device to call up preset functions without
connecting a computer
Buzzer, which can be switched off, to confirm the device function
Application and network setup assistant
Read operation modes
Start/stop operation (one bar code bearing object per read pulse)
Tracking operation
Read cycle
Pulse sources for start: switching inputs, data interface (com‐
mand), auto pulse, free, CAN
Pulse sources for stop: read pulse source, switching inputs, data
interface (command), timer, condition
Bar code evaluation
All current 1D bar code types
Max. number of bar codes: 50 per reading interval
Separation of identical codes of the same code type using the
read angle
Data processing
Influencing the output of the reading data by event-dependent
evaluation conditions
Influencing the output string by filtering and output sorting
Data communication
Host interface: two data output formats can be configured, can
be switched to various physical interfaces, parallel operation pos‐
Aux interface: fixed data output format, can be switched to vari‐
ous physical interfaces
Operating principle
The device consists of a laser scanner (laser diode and optics), an electronics unit with
integrated decoder and interfaces (type-dependent) to industrial bus systems. The use
of various focusing settings, resolutions, scan processes, bus systems, mounting
options and optics enables use in most industrial applications. Interfaces to external
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