C L V 6 s e r i e s | s i C K
Subject to change without notice
cLV6 series –
at home in many induStrieS
Maximum reading performance, more flexibility when changing products, and optimum
networking with formats that are becoming increasingly smaller are the key requirements
of today’s identification solutions. And SICK is able to meet all these quality demands:
The powerful bar code scanners in the CLV6 series product families can accommodate
virtually any industry or industrial application in the field of automatic identification.
oVerView of induStrieS and aPPLication examPLeS
the main task of the cLV6xx bar code
scanner in the automotive and parts sup-
plier industry consists of identification
and batch tracing. These scanners are
used in tasks such as identifying coils,
installing dashboards, and identifying
Automotive and part suppliers
the cLV6xx bar code scanners are used
for identifying documents. They can be
useful in tasks such as letter sorting.
Document handling
the cLV6xx bar code scanners are used
on industrial vehicles for identifying totes
and pallets.
Industrial vehicles
the cLV6xx bar code scanners, from the
CLV69x with oscillating mirror for pallet
identification to the CLV615 for reading
totes, can be used across the whole
logistics chain.
Storage and conveyor systems
Thanks to features such as its incredible
depth of field and its compact design for
installation inside analysis instruments,
the outstanding flexibility of the CLV6
series makes it a winning choice.
Clinical analysis
In today’s logistics systems, omnidirec-
tional reading tasks are performed using
omni port systems (OPS). Powerful and
flexible thanks to the use of individual
courier, express post, and cargo