On safety
Read these operating instructions carefully and keep them in a safe place.
The operating instructions are to be provided to the person who is installing the emer‐
gency stop pushbutton.
Always note and follow the warnings below!
Before starting the installation, electrically isolate system and device!
Emergency stop pushbuttons provide a personnel protection function. Incorrect
installation or manipulation can result in serious injuries!
Emergency stop pushbuttons are not allowed to be bypassed, removed or ren‐
dered ineffective in any other manner!
Incorrect installation or tampering can result in damage to the machine and work‐
The emergency stop function is not allowed to be used as a replacement for pro‐
tective measures or other safety functions, instead it should be designed as an
additional protective measure.
The emergency stop function is not allowed to degrade the effectiveness of protec‐
tive devices or other devices with safety functions.
Based on a risk analysis, the designer must ensure that the emergency stop
achieves the required level of safety (SIL, SILCL or PL) in combination with control
The national/international rules and regulations apply to the installation, commission‐
ing, use and periodic technical inspections of the emergency stop pushbuttons, in par‐
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
safety regulations
work safety regulations and safety rules
Manufacturers and operators of the machine on which the protective devices are used
are responsible for obtaining and observing all applicable safety regulations and rules.
Correct use includes observance of the applicable requirements on installation and
operation, in particular:
EN 60947-5-1
EN 60947-5-5
EN ISO 13849-1
EN ISO 13850
EN 61508-1
EN 60204-1
Correct use also includes the regular monitoring of the protective device by specialist
8022342/2017-12-15 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | ES11
Subject to change without notice