The configuration defines the operation mode of ESA ESTRO according the combustion plant needs.
In compliance with the reference norm, some of the parameters are set and locked at the device’s
production facility, while others can be modified by the user with dedicated tools.
The setting parameters variation can be done only if ESA ESTRO is in “manual stop” phase and can be
done via a portable programming device (infrared) to modify the serial communication parameters (i.e.
device IP address) or through a specific software via serial communication interface (ECS driver) to
modify every unlocked parameter.
The programming software, moreover, allows the user to lock some additional setting parameters in
case of needs for safety reasons.
The configuration via ECS serial interface is allowed only for one device at the time and it is required its
disconnection from the field network and the direct connection to the programming PC card interface.
Unlocked setting parameters
0 ÷ 9 and
A ÷ Z capital
“Address Node” identifies the device for serial communication.
Adopting ECS protocol defines the zone or belonging group. Adopting
Modbus-RTU defines the first char of the address (0÷F per 0÷16)
Address Node
0 ÷ 9 and
A ÷ Z capital
“Address Segment” identifies the device for serial communication.
Adopting ECS protocol defoines the device unity inside a zone or
belonging group. Adopting Modbus-RTU defines the second char of
the address (0÷9)
Baudrate /
4800 ÷ 38400
Communication speed with ECS protocol (4800, 9600, 19200 and
38400 Bit/s)
4800 ÷ 38400
ModbusRTU 1
Velocità di comunicazione (4800, 9600, 19200 e 38400 Bit/s) con
protocollo Modbus RTU (1 bit di stop).
4800 ÷ 38400
ModbusRTU 2
Communication speed with Modbus RTU protocol (4800, 9600, 19200
and 38400 Bit/s)
0 ÷ 480
Time limit for serial communication signal absence, set in ten steps
from 0 to 480 sec., the device signal a “Com-timeout” alarm in case
this time is exceeded. Setting at “0” sec. this parameter disable the
com-timeout alarm when the serial communication is not adopted.
Prepurge time
0 ÷ 255
Time of furnace chamber purging or waiting before burner ignition. In
case of applications with air valve control, the countdown starts when
the position switch signals the maximum valve opening.
delay time –
2°safety time
0 ÷ 25
Waiting time after the flame stability check at 1st stage gas; concluded
this phase the air valve opening is allowed (for ESTRO-A and
For ESA ESTRO-B this time refers the second safety time (ignition
2°gas stage), therefore the setting parameter is lo cked. Moreover
concluded this time the 1
stage gas is turned off in case of
discontinuous setting.