IR Hex Codes
These codes are to be programmed into 3rd party universal control systems.
0000 006c 0000 000c 0006 011b 0006 011b 0006 00bb 0006 00bb
0006 00bb 0006 00bb 0006 00bb 0006 00bb 0006 00bb 0006 00bb
0006 011b 0006 08a4
0000 006c 0000 000c 0006 011b 0006 011b 0006 00bb 0006 00bb
0006 00bb 0006 00bb 0006 00bb 0006 00bb 0006 00bb 0006 011b
0006 011b 0006 08a4
0000 006c 0000 000c 0006 011b 0006 011b 0006 00bb 0006 00bb
0006 00bb 0006 00bb 0006 00bb 0006 00bb 0006 00bb 0006 011b
0006 00bb 0006 08a4
• If the IR remote is held down continuously as the screen is moving there is a chance that
the screen can stop in-between limits. If this happens simply send another IR signal in the
direction it was going to continue its movement.
• If a control system is using an IR blaster to control this screen, make sure to limit the period
where it blasts the signal one second or less.
IR Remote Use
IR Remote (Optional)