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When CPU speed set to 133MHz, DRAM speed only set to 133MHz
(by Host Clock).
DRAM Timing
This item allows you to select the value in this field, depending on
whether the board using which kind of DDR DRAM.
The Choice: Manual or By SPD.
SDRAM Cycle Length
When synchronous DRAM is installed, the number of clock cycles of
CAS latency depends on the DRAM timing. Do not reset this field from
the default value specified by the system designer.
The Choice: 2 or 2.5. (for DDR SDRAM)
The Choice: 2 or 3. (for SDR SDRAM)
Bank Interleave
The interleave number of internal banks, can be set to 2 way, 4 way
interleave or disabled. For VCM and 16Mb type dram chips, the bank
interleave is fixed at 2 way interleave.
When the dram timing is selected by SPD, it will be set by the value on
SPD of the RAM module(SDR).
The Choice: Disabled, 2 Bank, or 4 Bank.
DRAM Command Rate (DDR only)
This item allows you to select the DRAM executed rate.
The Choice: 2T Command or 1T Command.
APG & P2P Bridge Control
Options are in its sub-menu.
Press <Enter> to enter the sub-menu of detailed options.
AGP Aperture Size (MB)
Select the size of Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) aperture. The aper-
ture is a portion of the PCI memory address range dedicated to graphics
memory address space. Host cycles that hit the aperture range are
forwarded to the AGP without any translation.
The Choice: 4M, 8M, 16M, 32M, 64M, 128M, or 256M.
AGP Mode
This item allows you to select the AGP Mode.
The Choice: 1x, 2x, or 4x.