8. When the tool bits make contact,
rotate each of the inner depth-of-cut
collars to zero and back the tool bits
away from the rotor.
Figure 25 – Tool bit controls
9. Turn the cross feed handwheel until the tool bits are at mid-point of the rotor
10. Turn the left hand tool bit control until the tool bit contacts the rotor surface
and makes a scratch cut. After the cut is made, back the tools bits off and turn
the lathe off.
The scratch will usually appear as an
incomplete circle. This is caused by
run out or wobbles due to rotor
condition, or by the way the rotor is
mounted on the arbor.
Figure 26 – First scratch cut
11. Check rotor mounting by
loosening the arbor nut and turning
the rotor 180° by hand on the arbor.
Make sure the inside adapter does
not rotate along with the rotor. Then
retighten the arbor nut, turn the cross
feed handwheel back 1/2 turn, turn
the lathe ON, and repeat step 10 to
make a second scratch cut.
Figure 27 – Rotate rotor 180°