Smart meter user guide
Smart meter user guide
Smart meter data guide
A guide to the data sent by your smart meter.
What information do you collect from my smart meter, and how often?
Your smart meter will send readings to us automatically, using mobile communication
technology. We’ll collect information about your energy usage so we can provide
you with a number of benefits, such as accurate bills.
We can collect your readings half hourly, daily or monthly, depending on your
preference. Your readings will be sent to us on a daily basis as this is the default.
But, with your preference set to half hourly, you’ll get the full benefits of your usage
graph at
My Energy at
This will help you to save your energy, therefore your money.
You can change your preference to half hourly or monthly at
, or by calling
0330 094 5800
How will you use my energy usage information?
The readings sent by your Smart Meter include many benefits. They are used to:
Calculate and produce
accurate bills for you.
Help to provide
you with personal
and relevant energy
saving advice
through My Energy.
Calculate your monthly
payment amount, if you
pay by Direct Debit.
Provide you with a quote
for our other tariffs, and
regularly update your
energy usage graph so
you can keep track of your
energy spend.