Smart meter user guide
Smart meter user guide
Home appliances
You can save money on your energy bills by choosing more efficient products for
your home.
Next time you change a household appliance, look out for these EU Energy labels,
which appear on most white goods and other products. EU Energy labels explain
how energy efficient a product is. The most efficient products are the “A+++” rated
appliances and the “G” rated appliances are the least efficient. You can use these
letter ratings to compare the efficiency of the products that you buy. The more
efficient the product, the more money you could potentially save.
Manufacturers of goods can also apply to the Energy Saving Trust for independent
verification of the product’s energy performance and the savings claimed by the
manufacturer. Look out for the logo:
Example of an EU Energy label
1. Energy Efficiency Rating
Most appliances have an energy range rating of
A+++ to G, though some will have smaller ranges.
The appliance label will advise on its energy
efficiency and the range available for that type of
2. Annual Energy Consumption
The annual energy consumption (in kWh per year)
for each product is calculated using specific EU-
defined criteria. Here, for tumble dryers, the figure is
calculated based on the standard cotton program at
full and half load.
3. Product-specific information
You’ll also find images showing extra data related to
the product, such as capacity, water comsumption
and noise levels.