Makes 600g
450g soft dark brown sugar
150ml (
pint) water
10ml (2 tsp) treacle
50g margarine
50ml (4 tbsp) malt vinegar
1 Place all ingredients in a bowl, mix well. Heat on 70P
for 26 - 28 minutes, stir every 2 - 3 minutes until
toffee reaches hard crack (*) stage.
2 Pour into a greased, square 20cm (8") dish.
Chill to set before breaking.
Makes 300g
100g caster sugar
75g golden syrup
60ml (4 tbsp) water
2.5ml (
tsp) baking powder
25g margarine
100g unsalted, blanched peanuts
1 Mix sugar, syrup and water in a bowl. Heat on 100P for
2 minutes, stir every minute until sugar has dissolved.
2 Add the baking powder and margarine, mix well. Heat
on 100P for 1 minute. Stir in the peanuts, cook on 70P
for 4 - 5 minutes, stir every minute until hard crack*
stage is reached.
3 Pour the mixture into a greased, square 15cm (6")
dish, chill to set before breaking.
Makes 675g
150g milk chocolate, broken into pieces
100g margarine, melted
450g icing sugar
45ml (3 tbsp) milk
1 Place the chocolate in a bowl and heat on 100P for 2
minutes, stir every 30 seconds until melted.
2 Stir in margarine, icing sugar and milk. Heat on
100P for 3 minutes, stir vigorously every minute until
the mixture is thick and glossy.
3 Pour into a greased, rectangular 20 x 15cm (8 x 6")
dish, chill to set before cutting.
* Hard crack:
To determine, drop a teaspoon of mixture into a glass of cold water and the toffee
should be hard to the touch.
Microwave Tip: More juice from Oranges and Lemons
Cut fruit in half and pierce with a fork. Place in a shallow flan dish, cut side down.
Heat on 100P for 2 minutes
Microwave Tip: Softening crystalised honey
Place 100g honey in a bowl. Heat on 100P for 1 minute until runny.
R-757M New CkBk 27/02/2003 15:10 Page 60