Sharp R-350A Скачать руководство пользователя страница 7


Gthtl hf<jnjq





Zfxfkj hf<jns

Lky jnvtzs ghjuhfvvs d ghjwtcct ghbujnjdktzby ldföls zföfnm rzjgre fiCNJG/C>HJCfl.

Lky jnvtzs ghjuhfvvs dj dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby

Rzjgrf fiCNJG/C>HJCfl bcgjkmpetncy lky:
1. dhtvtzzjuj dsrk+xtzby gtxb dj dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby;
2. jnvtzs, tckb ds ljgecnbkb jib<re ghb ghjuhfvvbhjdfzbb.



Htöbv dsdjlf bzcnherwbq zf lbcgktq ecnfzjdktz bpujnjdbntktv dj drk+xtzzjt cjcnjyzbt.
Bzcnherwbb ncy zf lbcgktt lky gjvjob ghb ddjlt ghjuhfvv.
D änjv herjdjlcndt bzcnherwbb ghbdjlyncy d cjrhfotzzjv dblt.


Dsdjl bzcnherwbq zf lbcgktq djpvjötz zf heccrjv b zf fzukbqcrjv ypsrfü.
Jgbcfzbt xtzby c jlzjuj ypsrf zf lheujq cv. zf cnh. 17.


Rjulf ds jcdjbntcm c eghfdktzbtv gtxm+, htöbv dsdjlf bzcnherwbq zf lbcgktq vjözj <eltn
jnrk+xbnm. Cv. cnh. 16.

Tckb ds üjnbnt epzfnm ntreott dhtvy d ghjwtcct ghbujnjdktzby gbob, nj zfövbnt rzjgre fiXFCSfl.
Gjrf ds rfcftntcm gfkmwtv lfzzjq rzjgrb, zf lbcgktt <eltn dscdtxbdfnmcy ntreott dhtvy.
Ghb gjgsnrt ddjlf ztghfdbkmzjuj dhtvtzb (zfgh. 13:45) zf lbcgktt gjydkytncy cjj<otzbt 


Zfövbnt rzjgre fiCNJG/C>HJCfl b ddtlbnt dhtvy pfzjdj (zfgh. 1:45).






(Dsdjl bzcnherwbq


Zfövbnt rzjgre fiXFCSfl.

Ddtlbnt ghfdbkmzjt dhtvy gentv
gjcktljdfntkmzjuj zföfnby wbahjdsü

Czjdf zfövbnt rzjgre fiXFCSfl.


1 3 4

Njxrb (:) n



Gjlrk+xbnt gtxm r ctnb.

Jnrhjqnt b pfrhjqnt ldthwe gtxb. Ghb
jnrhsnbb ldthws gtxb ujhbn cdtn.

Zfövbnt rzjgre fiCNJG/C>HJCfl, nfr
xnj<s hfplfkcy pderjdjq cbuzfk.

nj öt

Jcnf+ncy njkmrj njxrb.

Hf<jnf xfcjd hfccxbnfzf zf ldtzf lwfnbxf cjdjq wbrk.


Xnj<s ddtcnb dhtvy 11:34 (enhf bkb dtxthf).

Ecnfzjdrf xfcjd




Содержание R-350A

Страница 1: ...bujnjdktzby 19 Nfqvth 19 Eüjl pf gtxm 20 Gthtl ntv rfr dspdfnm vfcnthf 20 Ntüzbxtcrbt üfhfrnthbcnbrb 20 Contents Warning E 1 Special Notes E 2 Installation Instructions E 3 Oven Diagram E 3 Operation of Touch Control Panel E 4 Control Panel Display E 4 Touch Control Panel Layout E 4 Before Operating E 5 Getting Started E 5 Clock Setting E 5 Stop Clear E 5 To Cancel Program E 5 Microwave Time Cooki...

Страница 2: ...tzf rdfkbabwbhjdfzzsv cgtwbfkbcnjv gjlujnjdktzzsv abhvjq fiIfhgfl Jcj tzzj dfözj xnj s ldthwf gtxb pfrhsdfkfcm gkjnzj b zt bvtkf gjdhtöltzbq F bvtzzj 1 ldthwf zt ljközf snm gjrjhj ktzf 2 gtnkb b pfotkrb zt ljközs snm ckjvfzs bkb ifnfnmcy 3 ghjrkflrf b gjdthüzjcnm rjznfrnf c ghjrkflrjq zt ljközs bvtnm gjdhtöltzbq 7 Dctulf gjkmpeqntcm herfdbwfvb ghb j hfotzbb c gjceljq cjlthöfotq ujhyxe gboe dj bp töf...

Страница 3: ...rereheps d vbrhjdjkzjdjq gtxb Gjljölbnt lj ntü gjh gjrf otkxrb jn djpleizjq rereheps elen hfplfdfnmcy c bznthdfkjv 1 2 ctrezls Gthtkjöbnt ltncrjt gbnfzbt d vfktzmre gjcele b jcnjhjözj zfuhtdfqnt xfcnj gjvtibdfy E tlbntcm d ljcnbötzbb ztj üjlbvjq ntvgthfnehs Elfkbnt dbznjde rhsire bkb cjcre lj zfuhtdfzby enskjxrb Gjckt zfuhtdfzby e tlbntcm d ljcnbötzbb ztj üjlbvjq ntvgthfnehs Ghjlerns c zfgjkzbntkt...

Страница 4: ...zj gjcfötz zf k ztn ZBRJULF ZT BCGJKMPEQNT GTXM TP GJDJHJNZJUJ CNJKBRF B HJKBRJDJUJ K ZTNF 4 Gtxm zt ljközf zfüjlbnmcy d kbpb bcnjxzbrjd ntgkf b gfhf zfghbvth jrjkj j sxzjq gkbns Gtxm ljközf snm ecnfzjdktzf nfr xnj s zt gthtrhsdfkbcm dtznbkywbjzzst jndthcnby Zfl gtxm ljközj bvtnmcy zt vtztt 15 cv cdj jlzjuj ghjcnhfzcndf 5 Ghjbpdjlbntkb b lbcnhb m nths zt ztcen jndtncndtzzjcnb pf gjdhtöltzby gtxb b...

Страница 5: ...n j tpjib jxzjv ddjlt Pderjdjq cbuzfk lkbntkmzjcnm ghb kbpbntkmzj 2 ctrezls hfplftncy nfröt d rjzwt wbrkf ghbujnjdktzby Rhjvt njuj rjulf nht etncy dsgjkztzbt cktle otuj ifuf ghbujnjdktzby pdexbn 4 rhfnzsq pderjdjq cbuzfk Ctzcjhzfy gfztkm eghfdktzby Lbcgktq gfztkb eghfdktzby BZLBRFNJH COOK KG DEF HELP COOK KG DEF HELP ghbujnjdktzbt ru hfpvjhföbdfzbt cghfdrf RZJGRF fiCGHFDRFfl Zföfnbtv zf äne rzjgre l...

Страница 6: ...5 Ghbvths bzlbrfwbb heccrbü erd Ghbvths bzlbrfwbb heccrbü ckjd ...

Страница 7: ...btv gtxm htöbv dsdjlf bzcnherwbq zf lbcgktq vjözj eltn jnrk xbnm Cv cnh 16 Tckb ds üjnbnt epzfnm ntreott dhtvy d ghjwtcct ghbujnjdktzby gbob nj zfövbnt rzjgre fiXFCSfl Gjrf ds rfcftntcm gfkmwtv lfzzjq rzjgrb zf lbcgktt eltn dscdtxbdfnmcy ntreott dhtvy Ghb gjgsnrt ddjlf ztghfdbkmzjuj dhtvtzb zfgh 13 45 zf lbcgktt gjydkytncy cjj otzbt Zfövbnt rzjgre fiCNJG C HJCfl b ddtlbnt dhtvy pfzjdj zfgh 1 45 1 Ifu ...

Страница 8: ...Mfl J hfnbnt dzbvfzbt zf nj xnj zf lbcgktt gjydbncy cjj otzbt fiDSCJRfl Lky gjzbötzby ehjdzy vjozjcnb lj chtlzt dscjrjuj zfövbnt rzjgre fiVJOZJCNMfl tot hfp Ghb ztj üjlbvjcnb ds jhf ehjdztq chtlztuj chtlzt zbprjuj bkb zbprjuj gjdnjhbnm zföfnbt Rzjgrf fiVJOZJCNMfl zföfnm jlbz hfp 100 zföfnm ldf hfpf 70 zföfnm nhb hfpf 50 zföfnm xtnsht hfpf 30 zföfnm gynm hfp 10 Ghtlgjkjöbv ds üjnbnt ujnjdbnm hs zjt abkt 1...

Страница 9: ...ljdfntkmzjcnb ddtlbnt zeözjt dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby Ds thbnt ehjdtzm vjozjcnb zföfnbtv zf rzjgre fiVJOZJCNMfl lky ds jhf chtlzt dscjrjuj ehjdzy zföfnm 2 hfpf Lky pflfzbt nhtnmtq gjcktljdfntkmzjcnb ddtlbnt zeözjt dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby Tckb ehjdtzm vjozjcnb zt ddtltz gtxm eltu hf jnfnm zf dscjrjv ehjdzt vjozjcnb Zfövbnt rzjgre fi SCNHJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT GECRfl 3 4 x 2 5 O O 6 5 COOK 3 O O COOK COOK GHBVTXFZBT g...

Страница 10: ...birjv vzjuj ghbghfd b cjkb d zfxfkt ghbujnjdktzby lj fdkynm ghbghfds b jcj tzzj cjkm gthtl jrjzxfzbtv ghbujnjdktzby bkb chfpe gjckt ztuj 5 ujnjdbnm zfrhsd rfcnh k rhsirjq ghjcm f nfröt zt czbvfnm rhsire dj dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby gjcrjkmre änj vjötn zfheibnm gjcktljdfntkmzjcnm ghbujnjdktzby 6 gjvtifnm b lfnm k le gjcnjynm 10 vbzen gjckt ghbujnjdktzby 1 2 Ifu Jgthfwby Rzjgrf Lbcgktq 1 3 O Zfövbnt jlbz ...

Страница 11: ...ekmnfnf d njxzjcnb dsgjkzyqnt erfpfzby ghbdjlbvst d herjdjlcndt Tckb erfpfzby dsgjkzynm zt njxzj k lj vjötn jrfpfnmcy cshsv bkb ceübv gthtdfhtzzsv djpvjözj nfröt gjydktzbt cjj otzby 3 Tckb dtc bkb rjkbxtcndj ghjlernjd jkmit bkb vtzmit erfpfzzjuj d herjdjlcndt gj ghbujnjdktzb d bzajhvfwbjzzjv htöbvt cktletn ujnjdbnm d hexzjv htöbvt 4 Ghb ddjlt dtcf jrheukyqnt xbckj lj 0 1 ru 100 u Zfghbvth dvtcnj 1...

Страница 12: fi SCNHJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT GECRfl Gjlcrfpre j njv rfr ujnjdbnm vjözj gjkexbnm d k jt dhtvy rjulf zf lbcgktt bvttncy bzlbrfwby fiHELPfl Cv cnh 17 VYCJ 1 Öfhtzfy ujdylbzf 2 Öfhtzsq wsgktzjr 3 Abkt hs s Zfxbzftncy j hfnzsq jncxtn dhtvtzb ghbujnjdktzby Ghb ljcnbötzbb zektdjuj pzfxtzby hfplftncy pderjdjq cbuzfk Zf lbcgktt gjgthtvtzzj gjydkytncy bzlbrfwby R 350A R 450A Jnrhjqnt ldthwe Gthtdthzbnt vycj Pfrhj...

Страница 13: ...200 u Gjvtcnbnt zf k lj bkb d vbrhjdjkzjde rfcnh k b hfphjdzyqnt Zfrhjqnt gkfcnbrjdjq gktzrjq bkb rhsirjq Gjckt njuj rfr gtxm jcnfzjdbncy b zf lbcgktt gjydbncy bzlbrfwby gthtvtifnm b ghjljköbnm ghbujnjdktzbt Gjckt hfpjuhtdf gjvtifqnt 1 4 gjhwbb 1 gjhwby jr 250 u 5 2 C bp üjkjlbkmzbrf Rfib hbcjdfy uhtxztdfy jdcyzfy vfzzfy Pfgtrfzrf tacnhjufzjd vycj vjkjljuj fhfirf rehbwf c f hbrjcfvb Rjzcthdbhjdfzz...

Страница 14: ...thzenm ajkmujq tt ntgkst xfcnb Gj bcntxtzbb dhtvtzb hfpvjhföbdfzby lfnm gjcnjynm d fk vbzbtdjq ajkmut Ghbvtxfzbt ghb ztj üjlbvjcnb gjckt njuj rfr k lj gjcnjbn dsvsnm üjkjlzjq djljq elfkbnm gjnhjüf J thzenm ajkmujq jnrhsnst rjcnjxrb Gjkjöbnm recjxrb rehbws zf cnjkbr lky hfpvjhföbdfzby Gjckt jcnfzjdrb gtxb dszenm hfpvjhjötzzst recjxrb jcnfkmzst gthtdthzenm b j thzenm ajkmujq bü ntgkst xfcnb Gj bcntx...

Страница 15: ...zj zt gkjnzj evfözsv gjkjntzwtv b ghjljköbnm ghbujnjdktzbt Gjckt ghbujnjdktzby lfnm gjcnjynm d fk vbzbtdjq ajkmut Hfpkjöbnm abkt d jlbz ckjq zf k lt gjl gbhju bkb d rfcnh kt Gjldthzenm njzrbt rjzws hs s dzenhm Gjkbnm kbvjzzsv cjrjv b vfckjv Zfrhsnm gjkbänbktzjdjq gktzrjq bkb cntrkyzzjq rhsirjq Gjckt ghbujnjdktzby lfnm gjcnjynm gjl gktzrjq bkb rhsirjq 0 5 3 0 ru 3 C bp üjkjlbkmzbrf 5 15 1 Öfhtzfy u...

Страница 16: ...uj rfr gtxm jcnfzjdbncy b zf lbcgktt gjydbncy bzlbrfwby gthtdthzenm rfhnjatkm b ghjljköbnm ghbujnjdktzbt Gjckt ghbujnjdktzby zfrhsnm fk vbzbtdjq ajkmujq b lfnm gjcnjynm 1 5 Cdtöbt jdjob Ötcnrbt cdtrkf vjhrjdm rfhnjatkm j s hjrrjkb wdtnzfy rfgecnf nsrdf 1 5 Cdtöbt jdjob Vyurbt h cctkmcrfy rfgecnf frkföfzs igbzfn rfgecnf rf fxrb 0 1 1 0 ru 0 1 1 0 ru 20 C rjvzfnzfy ntvgthfnehf 20 C rjvzfnzfy ntvgthf...

Страница 17: ...obnf jn ltntq Ckexfqzsq gecr gtxb ghb jncencndbb d rfvtht ghjlernjd vjötn ghbdtcnb r tt gjdhtöltzb Lky ghtljndhfotzby nfrbü ckexftd gtxm jczfotzf aezrwbtq fipfobnf jn ltntqfl rjnjhe vjözj dscnfdbnm zf dhtvy ztbcgjkmpjdfzby gtxb Lky dscnfdktzby aezrwbb fipfobnf jn ltntqfl Gjckt dsgjkztzby ltqcndby 1 ghbdtltzzjuj d jgbcfzbb jnrk xtzby htöbvf dsdjlf bzcnherwbq zf lbcgktq Zf lbcgktt gjydkytncy ntreott dht...

Страница 18: ... dhtvtzb ghbujnjdktzby c 10 rhfnzjq crjhjcnm Ghb ljcnbötzbb zektdjuj pzfxtzby zf lbcgktt gjydkytncy bzlbrfwby Zfövbnt rzjgre fiCNJG C HJCfl Zf lbcgktt gjydkytncy ntreott dhtvy Zfövbnt rzjgre fi SCNHJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT GECRfl Ifu Jgthfwby Rzjgrf Lbcgktq Lky jnvtzs ltvjzcnhfwbjzzjuj htöbvf Gjckt dsgjkztzby ltqcndby 2 erfpfzzjuj dsit 3 3 1 4 Ypsr Bpujnjdbntktv dscnfdktz heccrbq ypsr Tuj vjözj gthtrk xbnm zf...

Страница 19: ...zjgre fi SCNHJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT GECRfl 1 2 3 Pzfxtzby dhtvtzb ghbujnjdktzby drk xtzzst d fdnjvfnbxtcrbt htöbvs ghbujnjdktzby hfccxbnfzs zf zfb jktt hfcghjcnhfztzzsq drec Lky njuj xnj s htuekbhjdfnm bü d cjjndtncndbb c kbxzsvb ghtlgjxntzbyvb cktletn gjkmpjdfnmcy aezrwbtq fi jkmitfl b fivtzmitfl rjnjhfy gjpdjkytn cjjndtncndtzzj edtkbxbdfnm b evtzmifnm dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby HELP KG HELP KG Cbuzfkbpfwby Gtxm jc...

Страница 20: ...ncxtnf ljcnfnjxzj zföfnm rzjgre fiCNJG C HJCfl b zf lbcgktt dzjdm gjydbncy ntreott dhtvy Ghtlgjkjöbv ds üjnbnt dscnfdbnm nfqvth zf 3 vbzens lky dfhrb ybw zf gkbnt 1 4 Ifu Jgthfwby Rzjgrf Lbcgktq Ddtlbnt zeözjt dhtvy ghbujnjdktzby Ds thbnt ztj üjlbvsq ehjdtzm vjozjcnb zföfnbtv zf rzjgre fiVJOZJCNMfl Lky pflfzby chtlztuj ehjdzy zfövbnt rzjgre nhb hfpf COOK Nfqvth zfxbzftn j hfnzsq jncxtn Zfövbnt rzjgre ...

Страница 21: ...50 vk d gtxm b gkjnzj pfrhjqnt ldthwe Tckb ldthwf pfrhsnf gkjnzj kfvgf d gtxb ljközf gjufczenm Zfövbnt jlbz hfp rzjgre fi SCNHJT GHBUJNJDKTZBT GECRfl f Ujhbn kb kfvgjxrf d gtxb LF ZTN Hf jnftn kb dtznbkynjh LF ZTN Gjlthöbnt here zfl dtznbkywbjzzsvb jndthcnbyvb d Dhfoftncy kb gjdjhjnzsq cnjkbr LF ZTN Cnjkbr vjötn dhfofnmcy rfr gj xfcjdjq cnhtkrt nfr b ghjnbd u sk kb cksitz pderjdjq cbuzfk b gjufc kb ...

Страница 22: ...ed by a qualified service technician trained by SHARP It is particularly important that the oven door closes properly and that there is no damage to 1 Door warped 2 Hinges and Latches broken or loosened 3 Door Seals and Sealing Surfaces 7 Always use oven mittens to prevent burns when handling utensils that are in contact with hot food Enough heat from the food can transfer through utensils to caus...

Страница 23: ...or sparking Reduce foil or keep clear of cavity walls Place a suitable insulator such as microwave and heat proof dinner plate between the turntable and the browning dish SPECIAL NOTES Cook eggs in shells This prevents explosion which may damage the oven Reheat whole eggs Overcook oysters Pop popcorn in regular brown bags or glass bowls Exceed maximum time on popcorn package Heat disposable bottle...

Страница 24: ... STAY AND TURNTABLE 4 The oven should not be installed in any area where excessive heat and steam are generated for example next to a conventional oven unit The oven should be installed so as not to block ventillation openings Allow at least 15 cm on the top of the oven for free air space 5 Neitherthemanufacturernorthedistributorscanacceptanyliabilityfordamagetothemachine or personal injury for fa...

Страница 25: ...ol panel An entry signal tone should be heard each time you press the control panel to make a correct entry In addition an audible signal will sound for approximately 2 seconds at the end of the cooking cycle or 4 times when cooking procedure is required Control Panel Display Touch Control Panel Layout COOK KG DEF HELP Indicator HELP PAD Press to select information guide on off child lock demonstr...

Страница 26: 1 3 Open the door The oven lamp comes on Close the oven door Press the STOP CLEAR pad so that the oven beeps 2 Step Procedure Pad Order Display Press the CLOCK pad 1 operation guide off Enter the correct time of day by press ing the numbers in sequence 1 1 3 4 The dots will flash on and off 2 3 Press the CLOCK pad again If you wish to know the time of day during the cooking or timer mode press ...

Страница 27: ...Enter desired cooking time 2 Press the INSTANT COOK START pad x 3 Select power level by pressing the POW ER LEVEL pad as required for MEDIUM press three times The timer begins to count down 3 If the door is opened during cooking process the cooking time in the readout automatically stops The cooking time starts to count down again when the door is closed and the INSTANT COOK START pad is pressed I...

Страница 28: ...n it reaches zero the third sequence will appear and the timer will begin counting down to zero again Step Procedure Pad Order Display Press the INSTANT COOK START pad Within one minute of closing the door The timer begins to count down COOK Press the INSTANT COOK START pad until desired time is displayed Each time the pad is pressed the cooking time is increased by 1 minute NOTE If you want to co...

Страница 29: ...e door and touch START INSTANT COOK pad to resume cooking 2 Combination between HIGH and LOW is free until 2 stages But combination between SLOW COOK and other features is not possible 3 If you wish to know the level of slow cook press the POWER LEVEL pad As long as your finger is touching the POWER LEVEL pad HIGH or LOW will be displayed SPECIAL NOTES ON SLOW COOKING For better cooking result alw...

Страница 30: ...UIDE to achieve the best result If the details are not followed carefully the food may be overcooked or undercooked or may be displayed 3 Food weighing more or less than the quantity or weight listed in MENU GUIDE cook manually 4 When entering the weight of the food round off the weight to the nearest 0 1kg 100g For example 1 65kg would become 1 7kg 5 To change the final cooking or defrosting resu...

Страница 31: weight If you require a cooking hint press the HELP pad Press the INSTANTCOOK START pad 3 will be displayed repeatedly 2 1 5 Press the INSTANT COOK START pad KG HELP KG HELP KG HELP You can get a cooking hint whenever HELP is lighted in the display See page E 16 x 1 1 O DEFROST 1 Steak Chops 2 Roast Meat 3 Poultry 4 Chicken Pieces REHEAT 1 Beverage 2 Pie Pizza 3 Porridge 4 Casseroles VEGETABLES...

Страница 32: ...e approx 160 200 g Weight Range Porridge Rice porridge Buckwheat porridge Oatmeal porridge Wheatmeal porridge Place into a plate or casserole and make the surface flat Cover with plastic wrap or lid When oven stops and is displayed stir and continue cooking After reheating stir 5 2 C Refrigerated 1 4 serves 1 serve approx 250 g No cover Place on the outside of turntable After reheating stir Casser...

Страница 33: ...ry 1 0 4 0 kg Remove from original wrapper Shield wing and leg tips with foil Placebreastsidedownonadefrost rack When the oven has stopped turn overandshieldthewarmportions After defrost time stand covered with aluminium foil N B After standing run under cold water to remove giblets if necessary Chicken Pieces 0 1 3 0 kg Shield the exposed bone with foil Place chicken pieces on a defrost rack When...

Страница 34: ...Roast Chicken Season with season salt Place breast side down on a roasting rack Cover loosely with paper towel When oven stops and is displayed turnchickenover and season Cover loosely with paper towel and continue cooking Aftercooking standcovered with aluminium foil 5 15 Fish Fillets eg Sea perch 1 tsp butter fillet 1 2 tsp lemon juice fillet 0 1 0 6 kg 3 C Refrigerated Arrange in a flan dish or...

Страница 35: ... glass lid or plastic wrap After cooking stand covered and stir 1 5 No Standing Time minutes Wash the vegetables Arrange the vegetables in a shallow dish Cover with a glass lid or plastic wrap After cooking stand covered and stir 1 5 Fresh Vegetables Soft Brussels Sprouts Zucchini Spinach Cabbage Squash Jacket Potato Potato whole Carrot whole Beet whole 3 10 NOTE For beets 1 2 minutes per 1 piece ...

Страница 36: ... a Child Lock feature that you can set when the oven is not in use To set the Child Lock After step 1 for Information Guide On Off Step Procedure Pad Order Display The time of day will appear in the display The oven is ready to use Press the STOP CLEAR pad 3 To unlock the control panel After step 2 above The control panel is now locked each time a pad is pressed the display will show LOCK The time...

Страница 37: ...the timer reaches zero will appear in the display Press the INSTANT COOK START pad Suppose you demonstrate Instant Cook 1 Step Procedure Pad Order Display To cancel the Demonstration Mode After step 2 above The time of day will appear in the display 3 Press the STOP CLEAR pad 4 Language The oven comes set for Russian You can change the language to English by pressing the number 4 pad To change pre...

Страница 38: ...e or reduce less cooking time Step Procedure Pad Order Display 1 2 3 Press number pads to enter weight Press the MORE pad Press the INSTANT COOK START pad Select menu category and menu number for Information Cook PressMEATpadoncetocookRoast Beef KG HELP KG HELP KG HELP 1 O HELP 4 COOK HELP COOK HELP R 350A R 450A Alarm Your oven has an alarm function If you leave food in the oven after cooking the...

Страница 39: ... Timer Use this feature as a general purpose timer Example include timing boiled eggs cooked on the stove top timing the recommended standing time of food You can enter any time up to 99 minutes 99 seconds If you want to cancel the timer during the count down phase simply press STOP CLEAR and the display will return to showing time of day Suppose you want to set the timer to 3 minutes for boiling ...

Страница 40: ...a glass measure in the oven and close the door securely Oven lamp should go off if door is closed properly Press the INSTANT COOK START pad once A Does the oven lamp light YES _______ NO _______ B Does the cooling fan work YES _______ NO _______ Put your hand over the rear ventilation openings C Does the turntable rotate YES _______ NO _______ The turntable can rotate clockwise or anticlockwise Th...
