SilentStorm SFX Bronze
3. Connect the 6-pin PCIe connector by the 350 Watt power supply (Fig. 3a) or the 6-pin and, if needed,
the 6+2-pin PCIe connector by the 450 Watt power supply (Fig. 3b) with your graphics card(s).
5.3 Connecting optical drives and other peripheral devices
1. Connect the 4-pin IDE power connectors (fig. 4), SATA power connectors (fig. 5) or the Floppy power
connector (fig. 6), as required, with the corresponding peripheral devices or drives.
For additional information refer to the respective manuals of your drives and peripheral devices.
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 3a
Fig. 3b