ground/counterpoise radials of 8 feet or longer. The longer the antenna,
up to about 80 feet, the better all around performance will be. Longer
antennas may be used, but please refer to the sections on antennas for dis-
cussion of limitations.
The user will also have to supply a good counterpoise. Such a counterpoise
is a large metal surface (much larger electrically than the antenna).
Generally, the bigger the counterpoise, the better your signal will be.
all S
Before contacting SGC for technical support, please take a few minutes to
think through your installation and ask if there is anything obvious which
you have overlooked in the installation. Check to make sure your ground
system is both adequate and tight and that proper voltage is supplied to the
In the event you experience difficulty with your SG-230 antenna coupler,
you should contact SGC for technical advise. Before calling, we ask you to
have the following information ready so that we may readily assist you.
C o
o u
u p
p ll e
e r
r II n
n ff o
o r
r m
m a
a tt ii o
o n
n Please have the serial number of your coupler,
the name of the dealer from whom the unit was purchased and the approxi-
mate date of purchase.
A n
n tt e
e n
n n
n a
a II n
n ff o
o r
r m
m a
a tt ii o
o n
Please be ready to describe your antenna instal-
lation. You will need to advise us whether the antenna is a wire type, a
dipole, vee, vertical, long wire or whip antenna.
G r
r o
o u
u n
n d
d S
S y
y s
s tt e
e m
You should be ready to describe your ground system in
detail. If you are dealing with a marine installation, you should have a
description of the vessel's bonding system. If you are using the coupler in a
mobile setting, you should be able to describe bonding of the hood, trunk
and other vehicle parts which may have been done. In an aircraft, you
should be able to describe the location of the coupler and the type of ground
connection used.
P o
o w
w e
e r
r s
s u
u p
p p
p ll y
y v
v o
o ll tt a
a g
g e
One of the common mistakes made when
installing couplers is to assume that a connection is good when it hasn't
been measured. If you experience any type of erratic or intermittent opera-
tion, please measure the power supply voltage inside the coupler.
D e
e s
s c
c r
r ii b
b e
e T
T u
u n
n e
e r
r b
b e
e h
h a
a v
v ii o
o r
r If you are having a problem, determine if it
is happening all the time or only part of the time. Does the problem occur
SGC Inc. SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA 98005 USA
P.O. Box 3526, 98009 Fax: 425-746-6384 Tel: 425- 746-6310 or 1-800-259 7331
E-mail: [email protected] Web site: http://www.sgcworld.com
© 1998 SGC Inc
SG-230 Manual