ate algorithms that have been set from the internal coupler measurement, and
reads and feeds this information back to the microprocessor. The initial (first
time) tuning may take several milliseconds to a few seconds depending on the
complexity of the tuning process for a special antenna configuration. After
tuning the first time for a specific frequency and antenna, this information is
entered in the non-volatile computer memory which will store up to 500 tun-
ing solutions. When the same conditions are encountered again, re-tuning is
accomplished within 10 milliseconds by first recalling the information from
the memory. Special software has been designed by SGC to allow accurate and
fine tuning of the coupler. For software description, refer to the MicroTuneª
section of the manual.
If antenna conditions or transmitter conditions have changed since the
information was stored into memory, new information is calculated and a new
tuning solution derived. This new information is stored to memory for future
reference. T
T h
h e
e S
S m
m a
a r
r tt u
u n
n e
e r
r w
w ii ll ll a
a ll w
w a
a y
y s
s ll o
o o
o k
k ff o
o r
r tt h
h e
e b
b e
e s
s tt p
p o
o s
s s
s ii b
b ll e
tt u
u n
n ii n
n g
g s
s o
o ll u
u tt ii o
o n
n a
a n
n d
d w
w ii ll ll ii m
m p
p r
r o
o v
v e
e e
e x
x ii s
s tt ii n
n g
g tt u
u n
n ii n
n g
g s
s o
o ll u
u tt ii o
o n
n s
s w
w h
h e
e n
e v
v e
e r
r p
p o
o s
s s
s ii b
b ll e
e ..
The SG-230 may be bypassed and your antenna used as a broadband receiving
antenna. To do this, turn off the power to the coupler for 2 seconds and then
turn it back on. In this situation, the coupler is reset to stand-by waiting for
the first RF power to be transmitted before providing a tuning solution. In the
stand-by mode, the antenna bypasses tuning elements and connects the
antenna directly to the receiver with no tuning elements engaged. This
allows for receiving signals throughout the HF range.
The coupler will re-tune or hunt if the input to the coupler drops below 10.5
VDC. This situation may occur if a marginal battery is used or if you are trans-
SGC Inc. SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA 98005 USA
P.O. Box 3526, 98009 Fax: 425-746-6384 Tel: 425- 746-6310 or 1-800-259 7331
E-mail: [email protected] Web site: http://www.sgcworld.com
© 1998 SGC Inc
SG-230 Manual
Red +12 VDC
Blk - Ground
Blk/Wht - Remote
Tuned Indicator
Red/Wht - SmartLock
control line
Wire antenna
Large Ground (counterpoise) system
9 feet (2.8 mtr)
To Transmitter
(side view)