- 30 -
(4) Connect the pressure cylinder to the test equipment acc. To
chapter 5.3 (5.4 and 6.1).
(5) Bleed the shut-off cock 2.1 to determine the switching values
“Refilling required” (the yellow signal lamp, if available, lights up)
and for “Alarm ON”. Record the values.
(6) Close the shut-off cock.
(7) (Slowly) open the shut-off cock 2.2. During the pressure build-up,
check the switching values for “Alarm OFF” and “Refilling (here:
Filling) OFF” (if available). Record the values.
(8) Close the shut-off cocks. Remove the pressure cylinder properly
and decouple the test equipment.
(9) The test is considered passed if the values specified in section
3.3 have been satisfied.
(10) Open all shut-off cocks in the connection line(s).
7.3.4 Tightness test following commissioning or correction of malfunctions
(1) Insert measuring gauge into the coupling 6.2. The measuring
gauge will display the current pressure.
(2) The tightness test is approved for one year of trouble-free opera-
tion if the following conditions have been met:
Determine the difference between the measured values for “Re-
filling (Filling) OFF” and “Alarm ON” and convert into mbar
(x 1000). Divide the calculated value by 8760. This results in a
maximum tolerated pressure drop (per hour) to prevent triggering
an alarm before one year has passed. If the determined value
cannot be measured, multiplication of the pressure drop will re-
sult in the same multiplication of the test time.
Example: Difference between the above-named switching values:
1.75 bar (value measured on site)
1.75 x 1000 = 1750
1750 / 8760 = 0.2 mbar/h (admissible pressure drop)
The measuring gauge available on site “only” shows a value of
5 mbar. This means the readability is 25 times (5 / 0.2). This ex-
tends the test time to 25 hours.
(3) Disconnect the measuring gauge after the tightness test has
been completed.
7.3.5 Creating the operating condition
(1) Seal the housing and the test valve(s) at the end of the interstitial
space pointing away from the leak detector.
(2) If shut-off cocks have been installed in the connection lines, they
must be sealed in an opened position (if connected to an intersti-
tial space).
This section assumes that the operating pressure has been built up in the interstitial space and the pres-
sure has been compensated.
Functional Check and Maintenance