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Functional Check and Maintenance
7.1 General
(1) If the leak detection system has been properly installed and is
free of leaks, trouble-free operation can be assumed.
(2) Even very minor leaks will trigger an alarm.
(3) In the event of an alarm, determine the cause and fix it quickly.
(4) The leak detector must be disconnected from power for any re-
pairs to be performed on the leak detector.
(5) A loss of power is indicated by the "Operation" signal lamp going
off. Alarm signals are triggered via the voltage-free relay contacts
(if used for alarm transmission) if contacts 11 and 12 were used.
After the power loss, the green signal lamp lights up again and
the voltage-free contacts no longer generate an alarm (unless the
power loss has caused the pressure to drop below the alarm
7.2 Maintenance
Maintenance work and functional checks must be performed by
trained personnel only
Once a year to ensure functional and operational safety.
Test scope according to section 7.3.
Compliance with the conditions according to sections 5 and 6 must
also be tested.
Comply with explosion regulations (if required), e.g. BetrSichV
(and/or directive 1999/92/EC and the laws of the respective mem-
ber states resulting therefrom) and/or others.
7.3 Functional
The functional and operational safety tests must be performed:
after each commissioning
in accordance with the time intervals listed in section 7.2
each time a malfunction has been corrected
7.3.1 Test
(1) Coordinate the work to be performed with those responsible for
operation on site, if necessary
(2) Observe the safety instructions for working with the product to be
For Germany: Technical service according to water law with expertise in leak detection systems. For Eu-
rope: Authorization by the manufacturer
For Germany: In addition, national laws apply (e.g. AwSV)
Functional Check and Maintenance