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(3) Check the test valve at the end of the interstitial space pointing
away from the leak detector for tightness and contamination, and
clean it, if necessary
(4) Checking the free passage of air in the interstitial space (section
(5) Testing the switching values (section 7.3.3)
(6) Tightness test following commissioning or correction of malfunc-
tions (section 7.3.4)
(7) Creating the operating condition (section 7.3.5)
(8) A qualified person must complete a test report, confirming func-
tional and operational safety.
7.3.2 Checking the free passage of air in the interstitial space
If several interstitial spaces are connected in parallel, each one of
them must be checked for passage.
(1) Insert measuring gauge into the test coupling 6.2. The current
pressure in the interstitial space will be displayed.
(2) Open the test valve for the first connected interstitial space.
(3) Check whether the measuring gauge registers a pressure drop.
(4) Close the test valve.
(5) Repeat process from paragraph (2) to (4) for each additional test
valve of the interstitial space(s) connected to this leak detector.
(6) The pressure drop generated by the test can be compensated as
a) Remove the measuring gauge from the coupling and insert it
into the test coupling 51 of the test equipment.
b) Insert the test equipment into coupling 6.2.
c) Connect the pressure cylinder to the test equipment acc. To
chapter 5.3 (5.4 and 6.1)
d) Open the shut-off cock 2.2.
e) Pressure build-up until pressure setpoint; during filling, moni-
tor the pressure on the pressure reducer (test pressure must
not be exceeded) and re-adjust if necessary
f) Once the filling process has been completed, close the shut-
off valve on the pressure reducer, and disconnect the meas-
uring gauge and pressure cylinder.
7.3.3 Testing the switching values
(1) If several interstitial spaces are connected through a distribution
system, close all shut-off cocks on the distributor.
(2) Insert the test equipment into the coupling 6.2
(3) Insert the manometer into the test coupling 51 of the test equip-
Functional Check and Maintenance