Copyright ©2009, Seymour Products LLC,
, All rights reserved.
If you have vertical wave patterns along the
sides, then your vertical turnbuckles have too little
tension and need to be tightened. Another clue is
the bottom black tabs won’t be grabbed much at
all and will be hanging too loosely.
If you have horizontal wave patterns along the
sides, then your vertical turnbuckles are too tight
and they are lifting the bar. Loosen them up, and
you’ll find the ideal tension is where the bottom
black tabs are snug to the cable but still easily
slid up or down with your finger.
If you have “V” shaped wave patterns in the lower
corners and/or fingering along the bottom, then
your horizontal turnbuckles are too loose and
need to be tightened. A couple signs that you’ve
tightened them too much will be the opposite
wave patterns (see below), or a slight separation
of the screen material from the border velvet.
This joint is very strong, but don’t torque it to
where you see visible strain or distortion of the
screen shape.
If you have the opposite pattern in the lower
corners, then your horizontal turnbuckles are too
tight and need to be loosened a bit. Generally,
you want these tight to provide nice corner
tension, but if you overdo it, not only will these
patterns develop, but a visible gap will open
between the screen and border material at the
bottom corners. While the joint is strong, don’t
distort the screen geometry too much.
After you make the desired adjustments, you could put a little dollop of a clear glue on the threads to
keep it from drifting over time, although drift is relatively minor depending on your environmental
changes in temperature and humidity.
“Ca-chunck” clanking sound when bar goes into case
The vertical turnbuckles are likely catching on the front or back of the case. Simply rotate the weight
bar until they cleanly enter the slot.