SLK-S502 Serial server instruction manual
2.4.4 UDP Server
Select Serisl Utility>>>PORT2 in turn,select UDP Server as the network protocol, choose the data
type according to your needs. Generally, the choice is Raw date. You need to remember the local port
after setting. When establishing a UDP connection, you need to use the IP address and port number of
the serial server. The baud rate, data bit, stop bit and parity bit of the serial port are configured according
to your needs. After the configuration is complete, click SAVA & APPLY.
Maximum number: The default is 6, which means that up to 6 UDP Clients are supported to connect
to the same serial port.
Time Out (s): The default is 300, which means that after the UDP Server establishes a connection, if
there is no data, the connection will be disconnected after 300 seconds. If you need a permanent online
connection, you can set the value to 0.