WiSnap User Manual 2.21 04112011-JF
OPTIONAL Parameters
set opt jointmr <msecs>
Join timer is the time in milliseconds (default=1000) the join function
will wait for the an access point to complete the association process.
This timer is also the timeout for the WPA handshaking process.
Set opt sensor <mask>
Bitmask value that determines which sensor pins to sample when
sending data using the UDP broadcast packet and the HTTP auto
sample function.
set opt replace <char>
replacement character for spaces. The replacement character is
used when entering SSID and pass phrases that include space. This
is used by the WiSnap command parser only. Each occurrence of the
replacement character is changed into a space. The default is “$”
set opt format <mask>
settings for HTTP client/web server value is a bitmapped register.
See Section 13, web server modes.
set opt deviceid <string>
Configurable Device ID - can be used for storing serial numbers,
product name or other device information. This information is sent
as part of the broadcast hello packet that is sent as a UDP. The
current value can be shown with the “get option” or “show deviceid”
commands. Max string size is 32 bytes. The default is
set opt password <string>
TCP connection password. Provides minimal authentication by
requiring any remote device that connects to send and match a
challenge <string>. When set, all newly opened connections must
first send the exact characters that match the stored password
otherwise the WiSnap module will close the connection. When the
password is set the WiSnap module sends the string “PASS?” to the
remote host. All characters in the string must be sent in one TCP
packet. Max string size is 32 bytes. To disable the password feature
use string=0 which is the default.
Automatically send HTML data header based on broadcast
Send users BINARY data (converted to ASCII hex )
Sample the GPIO and AtoD pins and format to ASCII hex
<the value of the deviceid string set with “set
opt device <string>”>
= <real time clock value in message as 32 bit
HEX value in format