WiSnap User Manual 2.21 04112011-JF
Entering Command Mode
Upon power up, the device will be in data mode. To enter command mode, send the three characters
and the device will respond with
While in command mode, the device will accept ASCII bytes as commands.
To exit command mode, send
The device will respond with “EXIT”.
Parameters, such as the SSID, channel, IP address, Serial Port settings, and all other settings can be
viewed and configured in command mode.
ASCII characters can be sent through a terminal emulator connected to the UART or via Telnet.
When using the UART communications settings should match the settings used when RN-131g
connects, for example: the default is 9600 baudrate, 8 bits, No Parity, 1 stop bit, and hardware flow
control disabled.
Use TeraTerm, PuTTY, or SerialIO’s JavaTerm as your terminal emulator. Please
HyperTerminal as it is known to have issues with our products.
on in the terminal emulator. You should see “
returned to you. This will verify that
your cable and comm. settings are correct. Most valid commands will return an “
” response,
and invalid ones will return an
You can enter command mode locally over the UART interface at any time when not
connected, and also when connected if the appropriate settings are enabled.
When the WiSnap module is powered up, it tries to auto associate to the Access Point stored
in the config settings. If for some reason the module cannot find the Access Point, it goes into auto
association mode and gets busy scanning and trying to join a network. This may cause the UART to
become unresponsive for a brief amount of time and you may lose the data sent to the module while
the module is in this “not associated” state making it difficult to get into command mode and
configure the module
Version 2.21 of the firmware fixes this issue. The auto-join feature is disabled when in command
mode. This makes it easy to configure the module. Auto-join will re-enable when you exit out of
command mode.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT upgrade the firmware with a WiSnap AAA dongle. Only the
WiSnap M1 module is supported by this firmware.
The auto join feature can be disabled by setting the
set wlan join 0
. This will prevent the WiSnap
module to attempt to associate to a network that does not exist.
Another alternative is to boot the module in ad-hoc mode by using the PIO9 ad-hoc/factory reset
jumper. If this is high on power up, the module will not associate to any network; it will use the
temporary ad-hoc mode. When in ad-hoc mode, you can configure the network settings.