_______________________________________________________________________ 2 AsteRx3_OEM
AsteRx3 Product Family Hardware Manual v2.5.0
To avoid board damage, all input pins (type “I”) must be driven low or left floating (source impedance
) when the receiver is in sleep or power-off mode, with the exception of pins #8
(nPWR_TOGGLE), #10 (nRST_IN), #76 (RS232_RX1) and #80 (RS232_RX2). Sleep/off mode can
be detected by the fact that the voltage at pin#29 (VCC_3V3_OUT) is zero. Pin#29 can be used as an
“enable” for the drivers driving the input pins.
When pull-up resistors are needed, 10k
is recommended. Always pull-up to 3.3V even when using
another voltage at the Vin pins. It is recommended to connect the pull-up resistors to pin#29
Septentrio AsteRx1_OEM, AsteRx2_OEM and AsteRx3_OEM receivers share the same 80-pin
interface and are electrically compatible, with the following important exception: the voltage range at
the Vin connector of the AsteRx3_OEM is 3.0 to 5.5V, while AsteRx1_OEM and AsteRx2_OEM only
support 3.3V. If compatibility with these receivers is required, you must supply 3.3V at the Vin pins.