3-System Setup Parameters
3.6.4 Select Display Info Mode
The Display Info Mode refers to the messages written to the screen at the start of data collection. When the
user presses the Start button to acquire a line of data, the system must set up communications between
the various system components and initialize them. During this process, messages are written to the
screen. The Display Info mode determines the level of message detail.
There are two options available under Display Info Mode: Normal and Display Info.
In normal mode, a minimal number of messages are written. In Display Info mode, detailed messages
about every system interaction are written to the screen.
In general, it is best to use Normal mode unless you are trying to troubleshoot a system problem (Section
7: P95).
View Complete Setup
The View Complete Setup option displays a listing of the current setup parameters for the pulseEKKO
PRO (See Figure 3-2 on page 31).
Selecting Return will exit the System Setup menus and return the user to the pulseEKKO PRO main menu
screen (see Section 2.6.4 on page 27). Exit also serves an important function. Before exiting, the program
saves all the current data collection parameters
This process enables the user to continue with the same
settings when the system is restarted.