About THX and THX Ultra Cer�fica�on
Supplied Accessories
SENSASOUND USA LLC TPO-5300 User’s Manual 6
THX , standing for “Tomlinson Holman’s eXperiment”, is an American high-fidelity
audio/visual reproduc�on standard and cer�fica�on system, developed by the sound
technicians behind the Star Wars movies, by its namesake at Lucasfilm studios. They have
developed a series of cer�fica�ons for movie theaters, screening rooms, home theaters,
computer and car audio systems etc.
THX cer�fica�on is an assurance to consumers of uncompromised quality, best-in-class
performance and consistency. In order to get THX Cer�fied, all products need to go through
the industry’s most rigorous performance tes�ng in order to meet the highest qualifica�ons
for quality.
THX Ultra is specified and designed for large home theaters or living rooms capable of THX
reference Level in a room up to 3,000 cubic feet. In order to get THX Ultra Cer�fied, all
amplifiers need to go though con�nuous output tests and the dynamic tests.
All in all, THX Cer�fica�on is a guarantee that products truthfully deliver the ar�st’s inten�on.
① Power supply cord
② 12 V trigger cord
③ User’s Manual