The connected loudspeaker resistance should be within 4-16 Ohms. If you consistently
use speakers less than 4 Ohms at a high volume level, it may trigger the built-in self
protec�on system. Long-term use may damage the speaker or the amplifier itself.
Before setup the system, make sure be powered off.
When wire the speaker, pay special a�en�on to the polarity of the cable. And make sure
the posi�ve wire connect to the posi�ve terminal and nega�ve to nega�ve (See below
Don’t short-circuit or it may damage the amplifier.
To take full advantage of the amplifier’s sonic quality, we recommend using SensaSound
high-quality speaker cable.
SENSASOUND USA LLC TPO-5300 User’s Manual 10
Balanced input
If you are planning to use XLR connec�ons between your preamplifier and any par�cular
channel of the amplifier, select the Balanced input by sliding the input select switch toward
the Balanced input.
Pin 1: Signal ground
Pin 2: (non-inver�ng)
Pin 3: Signal – (inver�ng)
These pin assignments are consistent with the standards adopted by the Audio Engineering
Society. Refer to the opera�ng manual of your balanced output preamplifier to verify that the
pin assignments of its output connectors correspond to your Proceed amplifier. If not, wire
the cables so that the appropriate output pin connects to the equivalent input pin. If you are
planning to use balanced connec�ons between your preamplifier and any par�cular channel
of the amplifier, select the balanced input by sliding the input select toward the Balanced
input. Then connect the balanced outputs of your preamplifier to the corresponding
balanced inputs on the amplifier using high quality cables .
Speaker outputs & binding posts
The amplifier is equipped with gold-plated, high-current binding posts for output termina�on
to a loudspeaker system. Before you connect to your loudspeakers, please note to carefully
read through below content: