Menu outputs and sockets
Example: Regulation of the oxygen level
In this example, the aim is to control the oxygen content to a value of over 90% with a
solenoid valve that is opened when no current is applied. First of all, in "Output signal",
set "Polarity" to "Low active" as this is a solenoid valve that is open when no current is
applied. The second step is to activate the "sensor control" function on the output to which
the solenoid valve is connected. In the "Sensor control" menu, select "O2 % a.s." as the
control parameter. Select the sensor which is to be used for the control as the "plug". The
start value is 90% and the stop value is 95%. Please set a plausible value for the protective
measures "break time" and "maximum duration". These depend on the system used.
Submenu Time Controlled
The settings for time control can be made using various methods - either using fixed times
(timer table), selected time intervals between activation (interval mode, multi-interval) or
depending on another time-controlled output (e.g. add O2 before feeding). In addition, it
is possible to change the start and stop time (control time of the output) daily (daylight
mode) in order to simulate an annual cycle, for example, when controlling LEDs.
Timer Table
Interval Duration
Output Coupling
Daylight Mode
Multi Interval
Timer Table
Interval Mode
Output Coupling
Daylight Mode
Multi Interval
Timer Table
In the timer table you can set the start time and the duration of each activation. By
confirming the menu item "New entry", new entries can be created. Your entries are
automatically sorted in chronological order. You can delete an entry by pressing the arrow
. Select the desired entry and then press the arrow key
remove from the