Twentyfour self-powered 16V digital inputs with shared negative pole.
Eight inputs settable as 32-bit counters with 10 kHz maximum frequency.
Can Interface with CANopen protocol up to 1 Mbps speed or MODBUS RS485
Interface up to 115 Kbit/s speed.
CANopen Baud rate, MODBUS Baud rate and Node ID configurables by DIP-switches
or by software.
Micro-USB communication port for the device configuration.
Power supply and Canopen/MODBUS wiring connections facilitated by means of a bus
that can be housed in the DIN rail
IEC EN 60715
1500 V Isolation among input/output, power supply and CAN/MODBUS interface.
Increments of counters individually configurable on the rising or falling edges of the
corresponding digital input.
Overflow indication available for each counter.
Preset value configurable for each counter.
Reset and preset commands individually executable on each counter.
LEDs signallings: power supply, digital inputs, CAN/MODBUS and MODBUS-RTU
Node guarding o heartbeat.