Long Range Wireless Access Point / Client Bridge
Version 1.0
management interface and click the Connect button manually any time that you wish
to connect to the Internet.
Domain Name Service: Select Get Automatically from ISP if the ISP will provide
the DNS address, if not, select Use these DNS servers and specify the primary and
secondary DNS server IP address.
Click on the Apply button to save the changes.
6.4.2 VPN Pass Through
Click on the VPN Pass Through link under the Router drop-down menu. This page
allows you to enable the pass through feature.
PPTP Pass Through: Place a check in this box if you would like to enable this pass
through. PPTP is a protocol (set of communication rules) that allows corporations to
extend their own corporate network through private "tunnels"
L2TP Pass Through: Place a check in this box if you would like to enable this pass
through. Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol is a transport protocol that enables tunneling
through the Internet for the establishment of virtual private networks.
IPSec Pass Through: Place a check in this box if you would like to enable this pass
through. IPSec is a VPN protocol used to implement secure exchange of packets at
the IP layer.
Click on the Apply button to save the changes.
6.5 Wireless
Click on the Wireless link on the
navigation drop-down menu. You will
then see three options: wireless network,
advanced settings. Each option is
described below.
6.5.1 Wireless Network
The Wireless Network page allows you to configure the wireless mode, channel,
SSID, and security settings.