Long Range Wireless Access Point / Client Bridge
Version 1.0
6.3 System
Click on the System link on the navigation
drop-down menu. You will then see System
Properties setting, which is described below.
6.3.1 System Properties
Click on the System Properties link under the System drop-down menu. This page
allows you to switch the operating mode of the device, as well as specify a name and
select the operating region.
Device Name: Specify a name for the device (this is not the SSID),
Country/Region: United States.
Operating Mode: Select and operating mode. Configuration for each operating
mode is described in their respective chapters.
Click on the Apply button to save the changes.
6.4 Router
Click on the Router link on the navigation
drop-down menu. You will then see three
options: WAN settings, LAN settings, and
VPN Pass Through. Each section is
described in detail below.
6.4.1 WAN Settings
Click on the WAN Settings link under the Router drop-down menu. This page allows
you to configure the WAN interface as DHCP, Static IP, or PPPoE.