Long Range Wireless Access Point / Client Bridge
Version 1.0
Click on the Wireless link on the
navigation drop-down menu. You will
then see three options: wireless network,
advanced settings. Each option is
described below.
5.4.1 Wireless Network
The Wireless Network page allows you to configure the wireless mode, channel,
SSID, and security settings.
Wireless Mode: Depending on the type of wireless clients that are connected to the
network, you may select B, G, or B/G-mixed. If you are not sure about which clients
will be accessing the wireless networks, it is recommended that you select B/G-
mixed for the best performance.
SSID: The SSID is a unique named shared amongst all the points of the wireless
network. The SSID must be identical on all points of the wireless network and cannot
exceed 32 characters. You may specify an SSID or select one from the Site Survey.
Site Survey: Click on the Site Survey button in order to scan the 2.4GHz frequency
for devices that broadcast their SSID. Click on the BSSID link to connect to the
Access Point. Click on the Refresh button to re-scan the frequency.